Romantic Valentine’s Day is not far away. Are you thinking about creating a special jewelry gift for her on that day but still have no good idea? No worry. Here I share you a great jewelry design about making a ring by Swarovski beads.
2 x Beading Needles
Crystal Thread
3mmand4mmSwarovski Beads (About the colors, you can choose whatever you like. Three colors for each size.)
Clear Seed Beads
1 x8mmMounted Glass Crystal Bead
Step 1: Thread a needle on either side of a crystal thread with1.5mmwidth.
Step 2: Start by picking up six3mmSwarovski beads. About the colors, you can choose whatever you like. Different colors produce different effects. Thread the needle through the beads and exit on the other side.
Step 3: Use the other needle, go through all six Swarovski beads. Then with the same needle, pick up another six3mmcrystal beads, and take the other needle and go through all the new beads from the opposite side. Make sure that there are two beads between the two needles.
Step 4: Pick up two4mmSwarovski crystal beads (the first is a main color and the second is an accent color), and slide down toward the stone (8mmmounted glass crystal bead). Pick up a4mmbead (another main color bead), and criss-cross with the other needle from the other side. Both needles will come out from that bead, but in opposite direction.
Step 5: Take the needle which is closest to the stone, and go through two of the3mmbeads.
Step 6: With the other needle, pick up two4mmbeads (the first is an accent color and the other is main color), and criss-cross the last bead with the opposite needle. Slide down toward the stone. Repeat step 4.
Step 7: Repeat step 5 and step 4 until there are six main color crystal beads and five accent crystal beads.
Step 8: Take the needle which is closest to the stone and go through the two3mmbeads, and with the same needle go up through the first crystal in the row. You will have the one needle coming from the first crystal and the other needle coming from the last crystal. Now pick up the last accent crystal bead and criss-cross with the other needle.
Step 9: With the one needle, pick up a seed bead and go through the4mmaccent color crystal, repeat until there is a seed bead between each crystal.
Step 10: With one needle, go up back through a4mmmain color bead, to exit at the top of the ring. Pick up one seed bead, one3mmbead and one seed bead; go through the next4mmbead from bottom to top. The crystal and seed beads will slot into the space. Repeat this step another five times to ensure that all gaps are filled.
Step 11: To make the band for your fingers, you need to work back to the bottom crystal. Be sure to exit the same crystal with both needles, but the needles must be on opposite sides.
Step 12: Pick up six seed beads on each needle, and then criss-cross both needles with a3mmcrystal. Repeat until the desired length, and then tie the thread with half hitched knots.